Here at Alcorn, it's always something going on. Try to get everyone together and get participation from the students.
"Greek Week" is a week for all the Greek organizations to come out and have games. We have the basketball tournament, the Greek picnic, a Greek step show at the end of the week. This is the week for all the organizations to come out and collaborate and show our talents.
There's hundreds of student-led organizations one of my favorites has to be Sounds of Dyn-O-Mite. They come to the games every Saturday, and they just like a friend-like environment. They play their music. There's a ballot of bands. There's a fifth quarter... zero quarter... and everybody's having fun. It's it's a pretty good environment to be around.
One of the organizations that I'm a part of Collegiate 100 Women of Alcorn State University. We host a lot of events that empower young black women to embrace their natural self. We had a Black Love panel talking about maybe some sensitive subjects but subjects that need to be discussed.
I am a part of Sophomore Class Cabinet and there's a group of sophomores on the cabinet. We have done a lot of service in surrounding areas. We've done an Easter egg hunt for Nachus Elementary School. We have given inspirational bands to AWS Elementary School and the list goes on.